Tuesday, June 30, 2009


today is da last day 4 SMART STUdy slot...i've found that my heart quite sad,,,hahaha(seriously beb!no tipu2 ma!!)mr.ahmad marican have his own style 2 teach us...even at the beginning its quite BOring~ha.ha.ha. but i can't deny that his technique on mind mapping gave me neW experience....

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

happy ~

kaifa halukum???ana bi khoirin~alhamdulillah....hmm,yesterday!!huhu=)
i'm done with my presentation...about medicine...hahaha!!!haPPily to say that MY group is THE BEST!!!!
seriously,i feel gOOoooood!!alhamdulillah....i love 2 felt this way....
4 da 1st time,in kelantan i feel like i'm in bndr baru bangi...hahaha(tipu gle do ak!!)xde la sgt,,,tp ok la...
da lme kn x wat presntation brbntuk ilmiah ni....
lg2 psl medic nih...semngt berKObar-kobar a nk wat,,,,
actually,my group present 1 week late than the other 3 groups....sbb masa x mncukupi...
my grOUp member,UMAR,Mira,Mizan,n Athirah worked hard 4 this presentation..(yeke?huhuhu...)and finally,its worth!
pn.maheran said we got FULL marks 4 TEAMworks and presntatiOn!!!(>_<)
serius!!GUmbira sgt2!!thnks 2 all my friends who gave me full commitment...i love u all!!!

p/s:my presentation is about benign prostatic hyperplasia...its a kind of tumour which my father are diagnosed,,,alhamdulillah,he's quite ok now,,,miss YOU,bapak!!(>_<)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

i love them


huhu~last friday,i've no class here...well~kelantan kn holiday!!suddenly,da memories came into my sight...ya RABBI~i miss my friends a lot!!!!nisa,mun,miza,BILAH,clah,kuza,jem,aween,nani,ainaa,nadh kadir and soooo on!!!~ouh!!i pray for ALLAH's rahmat to all of them....i really miss them...

hmmm,sbb da boring kn,ak pon asyik memekak je a kat bilik 2...tetibe!msj msk....ak pon bkk a,,,,dr BILAH!ya ALLAH...KAU maha mendengar!!hati ku melonjak kegembiraan...BUT,,,bkk2 je msj 2..."abg mcm mne nk pgi uia 2??kan midvalley 2 tros...pastu,nk gi mne??naik atas ke trn jln bwh 2??"
huh!confirm....missending msg ma....so frustated do...huuu~then,i call her!!!!!!!i told her that she send da wrong msg to da wrong number...hahaha...terkezUT beruk die bila i said that i'm AIMAN!waa~"aiman...rindunye kat ko!"
ceh,ak lg rindu kat ko kot!!!bpe kali la ak misscall ko BILAH ooi~tp x lyn,,,,
hahaha...rupe2nye,simcard die hilang,and 4 da long time she thought that my number is her brother's!die naek pelek a npe la abg ak nk asyik misscall je....xpe a...ak maafkan la...
huhu~yg penting ko masih knl ak siapa...(cewah,touching2 lak!)hahahahaha
bilah said that she was on her way to uia...(nk lawat SHIDA!!)
bilah~sampai ati ko xnk lawat ak kn???hmm,,,,(ko ingt klntn 2 mcm BTP-country homes?)hahaha,,,,xpe a....ak redha berada disini,,,klu ak xde kat cni,mungkin rase rindu kat sekolah,kat kwn2 x sekuat ni....
rindu mak??bapak??MESTI la!!!hahahaha....tp,kne a tahan do....as my early training...=)nnt da sampai egypt,xkn la nk tepon mak nanges2 lg...huhu(>_<)

back 2 da story,after i'd zohor....BILAH call me...i picked up the phone with all of my excitement....to talk to my lovely fren...and,guess what???ad a lot of suara behind hers!!!!ad sore jem,aween,kuza,,,,arghh!!!
they gathered at Um withOUT ME!!!so sadis ma....adoi~sabarla wahai hati,,,
smpai menitis airmata ak nk bersama dgn korg!!rase cam nk meraung,,,,tp,ak masih waras...i knew that they called me because they care for me....thank you my dear friends!!

hmmm~lagi satu story!!huhuhu,,,,once a week i've a session with ahmad marican under SMARTstudy slot....and last 2 weeks,he asked all of us to spill out about our best fren....in the form of mind map...hmm~GUESS WHO that i wrote about??
she was,KHAIRUN NISA MOHD ZAIDAN!!!!seriously,i've been thinking bout her a lot 4 da whole weeks...hahahaha
sOOooo unbelievable!!i miss u NISA!!!

p/s;kasih ALLAH itu luas.cinta ALLAH itu hakiki.tapi,ALLAH telah pinjamkan pada hamba-hambaNYA agar mereka bersyukur.alhamdulillah YA RAHMAN,YA RAHIM....KAU kurniakan aku IBU BAPA yang penyayang,keluarga yg baik,guru-guru yang berdedikasi,dan kawan-kawan yang sayangkan aku sebagaimana aku sayangkan mereka...ya ALLAH,berkatilah hidup mereka,lapangkan dada-dada mereka,mudahkan bagi mereka jalan mereka....sesungguhnya ya RABBI,kami berada diambang jihad(menuntut ilmu)....maka,berikanlah kami pertolongan-MU....jangan KAU jauhkan kami dari segenap rahmat MU~amiin...............


happy father's day!!!
adik rindu BAPAK sangat-sangat!!!!
kasih sayang BAPAK tak terbalas dgn kata-kata...
tak terbayar dgn wang ringgit...
tak ternilai dgn segunung emas permata...
karana apa???
kerana,kasih sayang BAPAK buat kami semua ikhlas kerana ALLAH...
syukron ya abi~!!!!!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


hye~heLLo!!are you all in gOod condition?gRrr!!!!!!i'm so sick of being stuck in this town...not because of i hate kelantan,but i hate for felt this way which is MISSING MY HOME....seriously.(fullstop)don't ask me why...
people would say this to me.."la...kan da biasa dok asrama...takkan la homesick lg kot??"huh!what da heck?is it wrong for anyone who miss their family?huh??answer me please???i've been here alone for 3 weeks...so what if i want go back to my home town??
i'm doing my foundation studies here..at tanjong mas,pengkalan chepa....i learned arabic ammiyah and fushah...guess what?after i got my spm result,i promise to my self that i might not take any arabis as one of my maddah...but!ALLAH have said in quran,(maksudnya)"it might be you like something but its actually bad for you,and it might be you hate something but it is actually GOOD for you.."
so,i think this is the way ALLAH want me to know HIM deeply...alhamdulillah,so far my study comes quite easy....hope that ALLAH will always give me this such of strength!amiin~and,as i'm here my father were done with his surgery...worried ma that time!but, ALLAH know the BEST for us....
and i've found that arabic is not that hard even i got C5 for spm...hahaha('SWEeT meMORry")bapak always said that he believe in me....he always motivate me in the way he talk...he never said that i'm s***id even i've failed in mid-term exam last year!!i love YOU so much BAPAK!!he just said that i need to increase my effort...huh~what a very LOVELY father i have!!!

YA ALLAH,berikanlah kelimpahan rahmat KAU keatas ayah ku...berkatilah hidup kedua ibu bapa ku yg sgt berjasa....sYUKran ya RAHMAN YA RAHIM,for my MOM AND

Thursday, June 04, 2009

lama tak menaip!!

apa khabar semua??waduh,waduh,waduh~lama dong ak ngak menaip ni....rindu banget ...huhu...sebenarnye ak sedang bertungkus lumus bljr bhs arab kat KELANTAN ni....kursus 2 bln...so far,ok la....start 2 weeks ago...TAPI,for only a few weeks ni,da mcm2 mnde jadi...
nak tau tak???ni cerita sengal la....my 1st day kat klntn....
hmm...cani...ak dtg mndaftar kat tmpt kursus 2 lewat 3 hari....org len daftar ari sabtu ahad,ak lak dtg hari rabu...and,on the wednesday i'm lone ranger gi la kat kelantan tu...nek flight kul 7.30 pg....smpi kat mator faris petra,pengkalan chepa lbh krg kul 8.30 pagi....ak pon teros amik cab gi kompleks masjid ABIM(tmpt kursus)....mahal gile kot cab de!!!RM23!!pdhal dkt gile kot airport tu dgn kompleks 2....hee~mntang2 la ak ni br smpi,dorg pon pakat la kenakan ak kot....ceh!
ak sampai2 teros daftar plus byr yuran....ustaz pon bwk la ak nek tros kat kls...and my luggage were sent to my roOm...dgn muke selamba badaknye,ak msk kls QURAN pagi tu....semua pndng pelek je!!spe dak ni??da a dtg lmbt...x penah jumpe pon...hahaha....malu siot~da a ustaz tu siap sengal suro ak capub diri kat depan...
malu je...ok la tu...lps duduk je,kne knlkn diri...pastu,ustaz pon amik kesempatan a ...mntng2 ak bdk baru,de suro ak lak dgr kan bacaan AL-FATIHAH ak...fuhh~!lega...ok la...tp ak ad wakaf kat 8 tmpt....slh la 2...baru ak tau...alhamdulillah...
after QURAN lesson end,i go back to my room to settle my luggage.penat 2!lom habis pnt nek flight(POYO JE...55 MIN JE KOT!!hahaha)x kesah a...yg pntng ak pening x hilang lagi...kemas2 sket brg,kne msk kls blk...arab ittisoliah...ak kemas brg sket2 je...kuar kn brg dr beg kecik...beg besar x larat a nk kemas lg....xpe2...kemas lps blk kls a...(dlm fikiran ak berkata-kata)huhu...msk a kls arab 4 da first time...hmm...not bad a...ustaz 2 pon mmg best la..."ana Ghazali,wa anti?"huhu...masa teros berlau hingga 1jam 45 minit...akhirnya ustaz tamat kn la sesi pembelajaran...perot ak pon da meronta-ronta mintak diisi...lapar sey~dr pg x mkn...huhu~jusretu ak pon berjln a dgn gumbira tok mkn...skali,msk2 je bilik..................................
BEG BESAR ak kne selongkar!!!yg td ak akte x sempat nk kemas tu...ad org tolong 'KEMAS'kn plak....!!!menggelabah puyuh a ak....duit yg ak letak kat baju2,HILANG!!!KENE CURI!!!gRRr~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!da a duit blnje ak tok 2 bulan kat dlm 2....bapak bg....huish~RM500 tu...bkn sket...mau x nanges ak...cis,biadap nye pencuri....roOmmate ak sorg 2 kne amik dompet de...habis a kad bank,ic n lesen de....ak nseb bek bwk sume 2 kat dlm handbag...hmm....lme gak a ak nanges...sbb ak teringt kat bapak kat umah...ayah ak ssh2 cari duit,ak hilangkan lak..oh~sadisnye!!huh~anak apekah ak ni....sedeh weh...dugaan ALLAH tok org yg lalai cam ak ni....ALLAH masih syg kan ak....alhamdulillah...hmm~after that i call kak murni...tell her what had happened..
ayat kak murni yg first..."ko knape??jatuh ke??"hahaha....akak ni...agak2 la...takkan la nk kol akak semate-mate sbb org jatuh...klu kne lnggar ke logik a gak...tp mmg patot pon akak ckp cam2...da 2,ckp nanges2,sedu2....mne a a x saspens...pdhal mse kat kls arab sblm 2 kak murni br je klo tnye ak ok ke x??da smpi ke blom a...and ak lak ckp everythings just fine....skali tetbe je....x smpi sejam ak kol kak murni,nanges2...hahaha.memalukan btol a....akak da janji xnk bgtau mak kn??fuuhh~lega ak .....petang 2 ustaz bwk la gi balai...wat report...
so....for the the rest of my days at that hostel,kne jd sgt2 berhati-hati.....kunci locker!bwk duit gi mne2....smpan kat tmpt len selain baju(kot!)huhuhu.......peristiwa ni mnjadikan ak lebih matang..(yeke?)ntah a....tp,sbb dok jauh dr keluarga,melatih ak tok bersedia a....nnt kat mesir,xtau la ap lg yg bakal menanti kat sana....hope everythin' gonna be Ok~huhu....
p/s:kasih sayang ALLAH x terbatas....dlm pelbagai bntuk DIA tunjukkan...cuma kita ni,antara sedar ataupun tidak je...hmm~fikir-fikirkan lah....