Thursday, April 22, 2010

you're my all

i cry,cry~
love you.........................
thanks for giving us home,a shelter to protect us...
*emo jap* (kak dina punye pasal lah ni..haha)
i'm glad to be your daughter....
i hope that you both also happy to have a daughter like me...
even some people would say that i'm not good enough and not really compatible with your attitudes (i'm sad bout that,k?!)
mak,adik anak mak kn??kan bapak kn??
biar lah dia org nk ckp ape pon kn??
but i will...insyaALLAH....jaga nama baik mak dgn bapak...
mesti!!pasti!! (bi iznillah...amiin)

p/s: sensitive is subjective.having its good and bad side.*thinking*
i'm just being so sensitive lately~for a good reason i think..haha~mungkinlah........

the link yg buat aku terharu sgt2( click kat tajuk post pliss~)

written by my sister(Dina Imam Supaat),dedicated to our parent.......*flyyyy~*